
The Brunn Barn at the Woodstock Fairgrounds has a new stone wall and will have a silo installed after this year's fair, Sept. 2-5. Putnam Town Crier file photo by Linda Lemmon.

By Linda Lemmon
Town Crier Editor
The Woodstock Fair might happen only once a year ---  "always Labor Day weekend " --- but it's been a busy, full year since last year's fair.
Don Farias, general manager, said improvements have been made all year long.
Fairgoers at the Woodstock Agricultural Society's 151st annual Woodstock Fair will notice several changes in the concessions area. The new Concessions Manager, Reid Chamberlin, signed up fewer vendors this year in order to create more open space, Farias said. Chamberlin plans to add a large centralized seating area for families. He has also redesigned the Craft Tents attraction to include a demonstration area for crafters.
A new stone wall has gone up at the Brunn Barn, along with a foundation for a silo which will be installed after the fair.
The old bleachers at the Pulls area have been replaced with new aluminum bleachers which includes a new surface,  he added. In addition, the Pulls area has a new scale.
Farias also listed several other projects including: New siding on the Grandstand including new windows, new paving on the Grand Concourse, new siding on the Sheep Barn, new underground pipes for electrical lines, new first aid/EMS building at the Horse Show, parking area upgrade, new roof on first aid building, improvements to well pump houses, extensive tree removal and maintenance projects, electrical pole and wiring upgrades.
In addition, Farias said the Barnyard Babies Birthing Center, a very popular, fairly new addition to the fair, is expanding this year to include more animals.
Part of the entertainment offerings greeting fairgoers this year include the Hurdy Gurdy Man, who will be roaming the fairgrounds all weekend. He has entertained thousands at the Fryeburg Fair in Maine for many years, Farias said.
The East Stage entertainment area will include a show by Robo the Clown on Sunday and Monday. On Saturday, Lindsay Adler will perform music for young children.

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