PUTNAM — Repeating his father's mantra, "one shot at a time," Spencer Thomas Salvas, 15, took home a second-place cup in the very competitive Lake of Isles Junior Championship golf tourney recently.
He is the son of Warren and Lisa Salvas of Putnam.
Salvas has carried a golf club since he was able to walk. He's been playing golf since he was 6 and at age 9, he hit a hole in one at his home course, Quinnatisset Country Club in Thompson. As a freshman last year he scored very well during the season and in the state tournament. A sophomore this year at Putnam High, he will be playing on the golf team in the spring.
He has played in several tournaments at his home course, as well as others at Connecticut National , most recent a Challenge Cup. The Lake of Isles Junior Championship consisted of a field of approximately 30 players and Salvas finished in second with a 75, one shot off the lead.
In May he was selected as one of the receipt ants of the Junior Scholarship Program at Lake of Isles, where he receives weekly instruction at the Hank Haney Golf School. The process of selection involved a written letter as to why they should accept him, a skills challenge and finally an interview.
Salvas said, "Lake of Isles is one of the toughest courses to play, and if you can shoot low there you can play anywhere. The toughest part of the tournament was the last five holes knowing that you’re two shots off even and you’re in position to win the tournament. A million different thoughts are going through your head and I tried to filter the bad one from the good ones.," he said. He added, "I kept in mind what my father always told me in the previous years. 'One shot at a time Spence.' Play within yourself."
He said, "There’s many things I like about golf but, I think the most valued is being able to play your own game against the course. It’s not a team effort, it’s just you against the course. I also like golf because it gives me time to spend with my father. My mom and dad have been the biggest inspiration in my golfing career and it gives me time to show them what I enjoy doing and what I’m actually good at. I really thank them every time I step out onto the golf course for what a great sport they got me into."
Salvas said he hopes to make a career out of golf.