PUTNAM —The Putnam Elks Lodge 574, demonstrating their dedication to soldiers past and present, will hold a Veterans appreciation Dinner for veterans and their guests Nov. 13.
The annual event will begin at 1 p.m. at the lodge on Edmond Street. There will be a spaghetti dinner at 2 followed by a special program that will feature a surprise guest.
In past years, the Elks have introduced honored members of multiple military service organizations to veterans and in 2009, Heidi A. Voight, crowned as the 2006 Miss Connecticut, visited. Local political leadership often stop by to thank service men and women for their commitment to this country.
Those who have served are invited to attend the annual Veterans Appreciation Dinner at no cost while guests are asked to contribute $5 to cover the cost of their meal. All ages are welcome. Adult beverages will be available for purchase.

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