
Associate Headmaster/Principal Holly Singleton, left, congratulates Sarah Paulhus on her achievement as a 2012 CAPT Scholar at Woodstock Academy. Courtesy photo.

WOODSTOCK — Woodstock Academy Headmaster Kim Caron and Associate Headmaster/Principal Holly Singleton were pleased to honor the 94 members of the Class of 2014 who reached the highest scores possible in all four areas of the Connecticut Academic Performance Test in 2012.
Kate Field, dean of Curriculum, was the keynote speaker, sharing a message of encouragement to students to continue to pursue the excellence they have demonstrated. “You are clearly using your education to improve yourself, to expand your mind, and to make your dreams a reality,” she told students. She reminded them “how very fortunate they were to live in this country and to be able to go to school every day,” comparing the less fortunate children in the world who do not have the same privilege.
The Connecticut Academic Performance Test, (CAPT), is a state-mandated standardized test administered by the Connecticut State Board of Education. The test covers the four curricular subjects of mathematics, reading, writing, and science, and are graded on a scale of one (low) to five (high). These Woodstock Academy students received 5’s in all four subject areas:
Brooklyn: Shannon Askham, Jordan Bassett, Emily Becher, Riley Burns, Angelique Cavagnet, Sara Claudio, Justin Cutting, Thomas Dykstra, Brendan Gallagher, Megan Main, Alexander Tedeschi, Ethan Warren
Canterbury: Mariel Baker, Sarah Chartier, Victoria Cox, Victoria Garner, Joshua Lamoureux, Zachary Loughead, Hayly Marshall
Eastford: William Beausoleil, John Budd, Abigail Hustus, Patrick Lefemine, Jr., Meryl Wolfe
Pomfret: Kathryn Archambault, Jillian Black, Emma Chambrello, Emily Chan, Jacob Chase, Makenzie Eklund, Samantha Flake, Cullen Gregory, Ciara Hanlon, William Harrington, Bree Hussong, Nikolay Ionkin, Rachel Loos, Stephanie Marasco, John McGinn, Sarah Paulhus, Katherine Rivers, Stephanie Santos, Jesse Stahl, Lindsay Tenenbaum, Hannah Trudo, Alexandra Wilcon
Union: Hannah Johnson, Christopher Lowry
Woodstock: Richard Bibeault, William Bourgeois, Keith Chasin, David Coppola, Dylan Davis, Emily DeLuca, Kayla Dionne, Patrick Falkowski, August Frechette, Hannah Guilani, Timothy Harrington, Brandy Hebert, Allison Hill, Hanna Holcomb, Francesca Iacobucci, Trevor Kalafus, Brittany LaFleur, Abigail LaMarre, Sarah Lanzoni, Arin Lotter, Julia Luppi, Bruno Maluf, Zachary Morin, Daniel Murphy, John Neill, Michael Paquette, Rachel Pontbriand, Lily Pritchard Dennison, Christopher Rangel, Melissa Rebello, Cody Resnick, Emily Rosaci, Cameron Saracina, Lindsay Savoie, Jackson Serio, Olivia Sheldon, William Smith, Christopher Smith, Brent Sorensen, Sarah Swenson, Caroline Tremblay, Tatjana Tschirpke, Noble Valentine, Arden Warinsky, Kimberly West, Mikayla Wilk.

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