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Putnam’s Interact Club the top bell ringers in the state
By Linda Lemmon
Town Crier Editor
PUTNAM — The Putnam Rotary Club’s Interact Club, ringing bells through the bitter cold, raised more than $13,000 this year for the Salvation Army. The Interactors received high praise and awards Jan. 24. 
The Salvation Army’s Debbie White, director of Social Services for Connecticut and Rhode Island, said the first kettle campaign might have been considered successful in 1891 “but not as successful as you — you are the top money-raising group in the whole state.”
Over the last 27 years, according to Rotarian and Interact advisor Roberta Rocchetti, the Interact members have raised more than $250,000 for this region.
All the funds raised stay local, helping the Putnam office of the Salvation Army. Kathi Peterson said she appreciates the young people who “make my ability to assist families who are struggling much easier.”
June Ferraro, co-president of the Interact Club, thanked all the volunteers who helped raise the money.
Woodstock Academy took home the award for the school that worked the most hours.
The volunteer breakdown included: One student from Pomfret School (2 hours); three students from Marianapolis (9 hours); three students from UConn (9 hours); 16 students from Putnam High School (126.5 hours); 27 students from Tourtellotte Memorial High School (129 hours) and 44 students from Woodstock Academy (181.5 hours).
In the fierce competition for the individual that volunteered the most hours and gets to take home the traveling bell-ringer trophy: First-place went to Gabriell Cerasiello of Putnam High who worked 32 hours. In second was Paige Perry of Putnam High with 19 hours and in third was Ella Carota, also of Putnam High, who worked 18 hours.



Gabriell Cerasiello, center, the top bell ringer, holds the coveted Ring a Ding trophy. Left: Doug Porter, Rotary Club president. Right: Rotarian and Interact Advisor Roberta Rocchetti. Linda Lemmon photo.

Kaelyn Tremblay , center, represented Woodstock Academy, the top school with 181.5 volunteer hours. Linda Lemmon photo.

The Putnam Rotary Club's Interact Club at awards event. Salvation Army officials said the group was the top money raising organization in the state. Photo by Doug Porter.
