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Business Briefs
Energy conservation donations
JEWETT CITY — Jewett City Savings Bank announced that four donations totaling $100,000 were made to local nonprofit organizations in support of their energy conservation projects including: United Services, Inc. received $50,000 to support solar energy upgrades for the Dayville clinic; The Eliza Huntington Memorial Home of Norwich, Inc. received $20,000 towards the installation of new energy saving windows; St. Vincent de Paul Place Norwich, Inc. received $20,000 to assist with an HVAC installation as part of their energy efficiency project; and Stonington Community Center, Inc. received $10,000 to support energy conservation efforts.

$6,500 raised
POMFRET — The Windham-County 4-H Camp’s first ever Sno-Ball Family Dinner Dance raised more than $6,500 for the Jim Logee Campership Fund. 120 guests were served by the camp cook, We-Lik-It Ice Cream Sundae Bar and danced to tunes spun by JD Kyle Sirois. Sponsors included: Antero Urgent Care, Attorney Don Beebe,  Buck’s Soft Serve, Creamery Brook Village,  Danielson Surplus Sales, French River Materials, Johnson’s Auto Body  Inc.,  Landon Tire,  Mackey’s Inc,  Drs. Walter and Carolyn MCGinn,  Olender’s of Columbia,  The Sunshine Shop, Sysco, Daryn Tannenbaum, LCSW, Ted’s IGA Supermarket,  Woodstock Creamery, and  Zlotnick Construction Company.
