Colangelo honored
“The Danielson Veterans Coffeehouse presented Linda Colangelo with the George W. Brown Community Champion Award. Linda is a longtime supporter of Veterans and has supported the Coffeehouse since its beginning days. She has worked tirelessly in support of our annual Veterans Stand Down at QVCC. Linda recruited many of the healthcare vendors who have provided the free health screening at the event. In 2019 she received the Community Americanism Award from the American Legion. She is a featured Vocalist at Veterans Day events throughout the region.” By F. Ruhlemann.
2 veterans honored
Feb. 11: “This morning the coffeehouse was honored to host a Quilts of Valor Presentation. Megan Shake brought members of her Quilts of Valor group and 2 veterans they wanted to present with Quilts. Megan gave a nice presentation on what the Quilts of Valor is all about and how it all got started. She presented 2 veterans, Claudia Ludwig and Richard Majercik with quilts. Members of their families were also present for the ceremony.” By F. Ruhlemann
Spirol donates $16,263 to cancer fund
PUTNAM — SPIROL International Corporation donated $16,263 to the Northeast Connecticut Cancer Fund of DKH. The donation, raised through SPIROL’s robust employee giving program, marks the sixth year of SPIROL's partnership with the DKH Foundation. SPIROL’s fund-raising team organized philanthropic initiatives to raise funds and designated its fiscal year 2024 employee-giving campaign to support the fund. SPIROL adds a $5,000 match.