Speakers for garden symposium set
DANIELSON — The Quiet Corner Garden Club’s Growing Gardeners: “Healthy Plants, Healthy People, Healthy Planet, a Symposium,” set for 8:30 to 3:30 April 5 at QVCC will include the following speakers: Pamm Cooper, Horticultural Consultant and Public Service Specialist at the UConn Home and Garden Education Center, “A Walk on the Wild Side.” Additional speakers: Peter Picone, “Attracting Birds and Wildlife”; Valerie Champany, “Growing Vegetables and More!”; Michelle Lengyel and Deni Van deVoort, “Integrated Pest Management”; Yoko Takemura, “No-till Gardening”; Lia Babitch, “Gathering Seeds from Pollinators”; Amelia South, “Garden Foraging and Medicinal Mushrooms”; Christine Leo, “Home Medicine Chest”; Mike Radzilowicz, “Starting Plants from the Seed Up!”; Heather Strother, “Creating Rain Gardens.”.
Go to www.quietcornergardenclub.com for more information, tickets, and optional box lunch tickets.
The Quiet Corner Garden Club is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization affiliated with The Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut and is a member of the National Garden Clubs.