Trail pg 1 4-8-10

caption, pg. 6:

River Trail extension toward farmer's market. Linda Lemmon photo.

Trail finish
hangs on
By Linda Lemmon
Town Crier Editor
PUTNAM --- Warm weather may bring more than spring flowers --- if it stays warm enough long enough, that would mean the asphalt plants would open early.
And if they open soon enough, the town will be able to put the last touches on the River Trail extension project, according to Economic Development Director Delpha Very.
Very said the town hopes to open the extension of the River Trail April 22.
The town is using a state Department of Environmental Protection Greenways program grant to lengthen the trail by some 1,300 feet.
Some drainage issues were addressed before the grub work along the shoreline and trail took place. A  “slow filtration” system replaced the swales that sent runoff pell-mell down the banks and into the Quinebaug. Erosion and sediment control was also finished. The town's Department of Public Works removed trees.
The trail runs from the Breault pedestrian bridge to the new Farmer's Market further down Kennedy Drive. Because the bids came in higher than the $72,000 available, some adjustments were made to the trail extension project. The width of the trail was reduced from 8 feet across to 6 feet across. The light fixtures along the trail have been eliminated and Very said she may look for another grant to install lights in the future. Fencing and railing along the trail, where it runs near Kennedy Drive, have already been erected to keep walkers, and bikers safer.

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