Suicide pg 11 6-17-10

PUTNAM --- Organizers of Particle Accelerator joined forces with Putnam PRIDE, the Putnam Police Department and the Putnam Recreation Department to present the fourth annual suicide prevention and awareness benefit concert, "Particle Accelerator IV." It will be held from noon to 11 p.m. July 24 at Rotary Park.  The benefit music festival will be  free and open to the public.
Particle Accelerator began 2007 in response to the suicide of local youth and musician Jack Young Jr.; aka “The Legendary Jack Young Jr.”.  Since then, popular bands such as The Great Garage Band Reunion, Billy Pilgrim and Circadian Rhythm have donated their time to help raise thousands of dollars, spread awareness of suicide and depression as well as promote music as a healthy alternative for young people.  Funds raised go to United Services, Inc. to provide mental health care for those who lack health insurance. This year’s bands will feature White Rose Confession, ILYAIMY, Seed, The Barefoot Pianist, and local music celebrity Kala Farnham.
For more information, those interested can go to  There you can view the band schedule, make private donations, or sign up for a corporate sponsorship.  You can also email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you are interested in volunteering your time for the event.
“The beautiful month of May has been determined to be prime time for suicides, and young males are at risk,” said Grace Young, mother of Jack Young Jr. and founder of Particle Accelerator.  Jack Young Jr. committed suicide May 8, 2007, on his 27th birthday. 
He and his family tried to get help for his depression, but were denied assistance because he had no health insurance.
 “I believe a heart-to-heart, frank discussion about alcohol abuse and suicide and depression rates could prove to be a life-saver,” she added.

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