Hospital pg 3 9-30-10

Day Kimball employees demonstrate the size of Day Kimball Healthcare’s new Siemens 1.5T Espree MRI. Courtesy photo.

PUTNAM --- Day Kimball Healthcare announces that the region’s first Open Bore 1.5 tesla magnetic resonance imaging system (MRI) has been installed at Day Kimball Hospital in Putnam. The Siemens 1.5T MAGNETOM Espree with Tim™ technology captures high-quality diagnostic images and offers a larger bore, or opening, for larger and claustrophobic patients.
“This machine is a definite asset to our diagnostic imaging department and entire healthcare organization,” said JoAnn Slota, manager of diagnostic imaging. “All patients now have a more comfortable MRI experience while we capture higher-quality images with this newer technology.”
Day Kimball’s new Espree MRI features a large bore opening of nearly 2.3 feet in diameter and almost one foot of free space between the patient’s head and the magnet. The larger bore opening accommodates obese patients who previously had to travel outside of the region to have their images done. The machine also features the shortest 1.5 Tesla magnet available. At approximately four feet long, the magnet allows more than 60 percent of exams to be completed with the patient’s head outside the bore, helping to ease claustrophobia.
In addition to providing the best patient comfort for all types of patients, the Espree can perform advanced clinical applications in less time, because it combines strong gradient performance with Siemens’ Total imaging matrix (Tim™) technology. Tim is the first whole body surface coil design that enables the highest resolution images in a shorter acquisition time.
Day Kimball Healthcare continues to invest in and employ the latest high-tech diagnostic technology to the residents of Northeast Connecticut. Earlier this year they announced the purchase of a Siemens dedicated cardiac nuclear medicine camera. That system is ideal for the early detection and staging of heart disease.

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