Classmates pg 2 7-28-11

Classmates sought
WEBSTER --- The Bartlett High School Class of 1971 is looking for these classmates for the October reunion: Steven Baker, Gerald Bello, Patricia Bembenek, Alfred Blake, Michael Borski, Elizabeth Bushway, Mary Chabot, Bernard Damian, James Dubois, Deborah Durkee-Carlson,  Linda Galonek-Roy, Pamela Johnson-Bricknell, Jane Kralik, Shirley Lecour, Mary Lipski-Smith, Robert C. Lord, Carole Mackay, Robert Malich, Ronald Martin, Denise Matteau, Ronald McCann, Elaine Mroczek, Gary Neiduski, Kathleen Nezuh-Cropley, Joel Plante, Jean Pytko, Karen Rybacki-Labbe, Suzanne Sargent-Gargarigo, William Smith, Sandra Smith, Arthur Stevens, Charlotte Sterczala, Allison Stewart-Pasco, Cynthia Strenk, Helen Wajer-Tetreault, Sharon Walker-Dziembowski, John Warnke and Sheryl Ziebell.
If you have any information on these classmates contact Cathy Helgerson at 508-943-1511 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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