Church pg 7 8-25-11


Part of the Congregational Church of Putnam's rededication of its refurbished steeple included a picnic. Photo courtesy of Pastor Rev. Thomas Meyer.

PUTNAM — Aug. 21 the Congregational Church of Putnam held a service of rededication for the completion of the steeple project which began less than a year ago.
Invitations were sent out to members of the community who supported the fund-raising effort that allowed this task to be accomplished. Some of the businesses recognized as part of the service were: Bousquet Appliances, Forand Construction Co., Dexter Corporation, the Thompson K of C, the Bradley Playhouse, to name a few.
Certificates of appreciation were given to Gary Picard, who took the lead in managing this project, Charlie Leach, Bill Pearsall, Larry Christy, Richard Snelgrove, Bob and Myrna Paulhus, and Bob and Charlotte Picard for their many hours of time donated to complete the project.
The steeple was removed from the top of the tower in mid September, 2010 was reconstructed and put back in place on Jan. 3
Following this accomplishment, thanks to Scott Sherman, the clock in the tower was repaired and is now working.
The outside trim of the church has been repainted to match the door colors, and a new door leading to the chapel has also been replaced.
As a thank you to the community, after the service, a picnic on the lawn was held with hot dogs, chips, salad and watermelon.
To date, we are only $2,000 short of our goal of $75,000 which as been accomplished in less than a year, said Rev. Thomas Meyer, pastor. “Thanks to all who have contributed in any way to success of this project. We have been blessed to be in such a caring community.”

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