Robots pg 1 11-24-11

The focus was on robots at the first Putnam Science Academy robotics demonstration entitled “Bowled Over.”  The program featured a demonstration by the Robo Mustangs Team #4554 and last year’s robot Samantha 3000.
A gathering of approximately 50 community residents, faculty and students, and invited guests enjoyed a one-hour program put on by the 17 member team, led by team captain Omer Seven and co-captains EbuBekir Yasa and Serik Tikupov.  The presentation included a lively video that introduced the audience to the story behind robotics and the efforts of the team.
Samantha 3000, controlled by team members, went through a demonstration of collecting small balls and depositing them in a container, pushing a six pound bowling ball up an incline and amused the guests by performing a dance to the “Cha Cha Slide.”
Although the theme centered around the robots, the audience soon learned about the young men who participate in this after school organization that is administered by volunteer advisors.  The group is preparing for upcoming competitions in December at Clarkson University in New York State and in March at Kingswood-Oxford School in West Hartford.  Should Robo Team #4554 be the winner at either completion, they will have the opportunity to move on to the world championship in St. Louis.
“Our team is excited to be part of this competition.  We’ll do whatever it takes to make our school and community proud of us,” said Omer Seven, team captain.  “We have some experienced individuals on our team.  Combined with last year’s experience this should help us,” he added.
The team is competing in the First Tech Challenge (FTC), which is part an organization titled FIRST.  The acronym stands for “For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology.”  The organization uses robotics as a competitive sport, which fosters life experience, opportunity and community.  It’s about working together on teams, help from caring and knowledgeable mentors and peers, gracious professionalism and helping an opponent.
The demonstration at Putnam Science Academy included the playing of the National Anthem and words from school, community and FIRST leaders.  Certificates were presented to sponsors, Putnam Bank, WINY Radio, Chase Graphics and RPC Associates.
“The Robo Mustangs team is an opportunity for our school to become a part of the greater Putnam community.  We’re very supportive of these young men and their accomplishments,” said school Principal Emrullah Durmarz.
Mayor-elect Peter Place added his congratulations to the team and wished them success in the upcoming competitions.  FIRST was represented by Regional Director Susan Glasspiegel and Brenda Semmelrock spoke on behalf of the FTC Challenge.
The Robo Mustangs #5445 is in the process of raising $4000 needed to develop the robot for upcoming competitions as well as for other expenses associated with the team.  The members of the team are planning to go into the Putnam Public Schools and other area schools in an effort to encourage other students’ interest in science and technology.
In addition to captain Seven and co-captains Yasa and Tukupov, the team includes Berkan Tuylum Omer Atas, Halit Sexgin, Ensar Tastan, Ali Bilen, Yusuf Yilmaz, Muhammed Boydak, Mustafa Ak, Bahadir Ozgenturk, Kerem On, Asmim Disli, Yavuz Sefik, Almas Myrzatay, Tarik Kose and Harun Celik.  The team coach is Erkan Cabuk, a teacher at the school
Contact with the team can be made by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mailing them at 18 Maple St., Putnam, CT 06260.

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