Education briefs pg 7 2-9-12

Takes part
KINGSTON, R.I. --- University of Rhode Island junior Christine Weiss of Ballouville took a non-traditional path to college success.  She dropped out of high school at age 15, worked construction jobs for several years before getting laid off, and finally decided to pursue her first passion – biology. She recently completed a seven-month research project that found her leading teams of high school students in an effort to study and eradicate a destructive invasive plant called mile-a-minute vine. It’s a project that reinforced her desire to continue her educational roller coaster and eventually enroll in graduate school.

WILLIMANTIC --- Muhammed Cakillikoyak '15 of Putnam, participated in the Turkish-American Earthquake Relief Fundraiser at Eastern. In response to the tragic earthquake in Turkey on Oct. 23, Eastern Connecticut State University's Turkish American Student Association hosted a dinner to raise money for relief funds. More than $2,700 was raised.

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