Students pg 1 3-29-12


Students from Pomfret School helped spiff up the Palmer Arboretum in Woodstock. Photo courtesy of Bill Brower.

The glow of spring break had not yet faded, but the excitement was palpable as 450 students, faculty and staff traveled to over 32 destinations within Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island during Pomfret School’s second annual Day of Service.  
Pomfret’s Service Council, led by Harrison Schroder ’13 of Woodstock, oversaw the execution of this special day, working tirelessly to plan and implement the schedule of events. 
The Day of Service is Pomfret’s way of giving back as an entire school community, according to school officials. “We have an active and committed community service program that runs during the entire school year.  However, on this special day, we reach beyond the local area, making our presence known from Boston, to Worcester, to Newport, to many places in between. We also venture to locations closer to home such as Palmer Arboretum, JN Webster Scout Camp, The ARC of Quinebaug Valley and Hole in the Wall Gang camp. General cleaning and clearing of debris, painting, and prepping of facilities are the order of the day, and the volunteers hit the ground running.”  
Head of School Tim Richards added, “To drive around and see some of the places Pomfret was making an impact today was impressive. It’s days like today (March 26) that our commitment to educating our kids outside of the classroom, particularly in service and character, is plainly visible and truly rewarding.”

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