Woodstock pg 10 5-31-12


Woodstock Academy last week celebrated Military Appreciation Month with a flag ceremony. Left to right: PFC Lucas Duncan, U.S. Army N.H. National Guard (WA alum ’11); Everett Cowley, retired major, U.S. Marine Corps.; Everett G. Shepard III, SP5 U.S. Army; Todd R. Smith, command sgt. major, U.S. Army CT National Guard; Kenneth Marvin, retired S1/C U.S. Navy (WA alum ’45); Daniel Boies, cpl., U.S. Marine Corps.; Glenn Boies, SFC U.S. Army CT National Guard; Kent Phyfe, retired SFC U.S. Army, with Vetdog Iris; and Jonathan Grossman, Woodstock Academy dean of Students. Courtesy photo.

WOODSTOCK — Woodstock Academy’s first annual Military Appreciation Flag Ceremony was held May 22, an event established to honor the men and women who have, are and will soon be serving as members of the U.S. military.
The ceremony began with student volunteers raising the American flag while Meagan Ferreria played reveille as students and special guests from the armed forces watched. The ceremony then moved to Bates Memorial Auditorium where Jonathan Grossman, dean of  Students, welcomed guests and introduced the event’s guest speaker, SFC Kent Phyfe, U.S. Army, retired.  The event was closed with the playing of Taps by Veejay Strama and Meagan Ferreria. Both students are members of the Academy’s music program.
After the program, students and faculty stopped to thank and talk with members of the military who where in attendance.  One recent graduate from the Academy, Lucas Duncan, Class of 2011, said he was “pleased the Academy has started this event and that it will continue on as a new tradition at the school.”

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