Taking pg 1 8-9-12

Taking part
WILLIMANTIC ---  Health and Physical Education/Sports and Leisure Management  majors at Eastern Connecticut State University become more involved in specific areas of study by attending professional conferences, organizing activities and providing opportunities to interact with their peers in their major. Christopher Danforth '14 of Woodstock Valley, is a member of Eastern's Health and Physical Education club. Danforth is majoring in Physical Education; Lauren Hultzman '14 of Putnam, is a member of Eastern's Health and Physical Education club. Hultzman is majoring in Physical Education; Nicholas Orn '13 of Woodstock, is a member of Eastern's Health and Physical Education club. Orn is majoring in Sport & Leisure Management; Katherine Sokoloski '13 of Eastford, is a member of Eastern's Health and Physical Education club. Sokoloski is majoring in Physical Education. Sokoloski is vice president of the club; Zachary Turini '13 of Woodstock, is a member of Eastern's Health and Physical Ed club. Turini is majoring in Sport & Leisure Management.

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