Lawns pg 1 7-22-10

By Linda Lemmon
Town Crier Editor
PUTNAM ---  While the recent rains might have perked up a few flowers, it was not enough to perk up the "trigger levels" at the town's water plant --- the required water restrictions continue.
Water Pollution Control Authority Director Bill Trayner said the rains last week raised the level of the Little River, where Putnam gets 70 percent of its water, briefly, but it was not enough rain to allow the town to use the river for its water. And the forecast for the rest of the week isn't sounding too hopeful, either.
Officials at the authority believe the water restrictions may have to remain in place through the end of the month.
Trayner said the state requires that there be a level of 9.04 cubic feet per second at the plant --- and the level must remain above that number for seven days. Last week's rains brought the level up above 9.04, but not for seven days. Monday's brief shower may bring the level above 9.04, but it's unlikely to stay up for seven days.
"There's not enough rain in the forecast" for the level to stay above the 9.04 trigger level for seven days, he said.
So required restrictions are still in place: No lawn watering, no car washing, no washing down the driveway, no filling swimming pools. Authority officials said that watering a flower or vegetable garden with a hand-held hose or with a soaker hose is OK.
A first offense will bring a $100 fine and a second offense will being a $200 fine and some people have already been fined, Trayner said.
He added that up-to-date information on the restrictions will be available on WINY radio and local newspapers.
Questions are welcome. Call 860-963-6819.

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