Daily pg 1 3-7-13

gets Holt
PUTNAM — Interfaith Human Services of Putnam was awarded a grant for $5,000 from the Community Foundation of Eastern Connecticut, made possible by the George L. Holt Fund.
Funds will be used to increase the nutritional value of the fruits and vegetables currently offered at the Daily Bread Food pantry, through additional offerings, and an increase to the farmers market coupon program. Monies will also be used to work on container gardening and gardening education.
 Individuals and families living near or below the poverty level face a daunting array of challenges. The Regional Advisory Council (RAC) of the Community Foundation of Eastern Connecticut recognizes these obstacles and has made a commitment to the Windham area’s under-served residents. Modest funding is available to nonprofit organizations that address basic needs: specifically, programs that provide food and shelter.
IHSP’s new grant writer, Rachael Arcand, worked alongside Ann Kathi Peterson, secretary, Community Resource/Volunteer coordinator, to ensure that the grant application.

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