Charity pg 11 3-7-13

'Charity Chicks'
The “Charity Chicks” of Plainfield recently presented a check for $5,600 to the Day Kimball Healthcare Deary Memorial Cancer Fund. The Charity Chicks are a grassroots group who held a fund-raiser. In a previous year, the Charity Chicks donated proceeds of their event to Day Kimball Healthcare’s Women’s Health Center. The DKH Deary Memorial Cancer Fund provides coverage for mammograms, colonoscopies and other cancer-related screenings, surgeries, treatment and medications for patients who cannot afford to get help. Last year, more than 100 community members benefitted from the DKH Deary Memorial Cancer Fund. Left to right: Peter Deary, representing the Deary Memorial Cancer Fund; Pam Beausoleil, Kelly St. Onge, Wendy Deloge, Robert Smanik, president and CEO of Day Kimball Healthcare, Judy Griffin and Roxanne Boise.   Not pictured: Dawn Rocha. Courtesy photo.

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