Putnam pg 1 4-4-13

By Linda Lemmon
Town Crier Editor
PUTNAM --- Don't look now, but the years have flashed by and it's time once again for the revaluation.
Town Assessor Rande Chmura said the revaluation, mandated by the state, has already begun. It is to be completed for Oct. 1, 2014, and the new assessments will be reflected in tax bills issued in July, 2015.
Data collection began April 1 and will continue through the spring and summer. Inspections are starting in the Special Services District and include: Auburn Street, Bibeault Street, Bonosconi Street, Upper Church Street, Cottage Street, David Circle including Pezanko and St. Peter's Courts, Dudley Street, Duffy Street, Fairmount Street, Hurlbut Street, Labossiere Lane, Latici Street, Myers Street, North Street, Poulin Drive, the west end of Providence Street, Viens Street, Wicker Street, Woodside Street and Woodstock Avenue.
Pre-inspection letters have been mailed to property owners where the inspections will begin.
Data collectors have a picture ID, signed by the assessor and also have a letter of introduction on them. Their pictures as well as the types of vehicles they are driving are included in the pre-inspection letters.
The data collectors include Stephanie Sumner who drives a silver Monte Carlo SS (CT Lic. 554-WZT), Joe Sylvester, driving a white Dodge Dakota (CT Lic 59CX43) and David Boast, driving a blue Hyundai Sonata (CT Lic 273WWH).
According to the pre-inspection letter, a new concept under this regional contract is to attempt to fully inspect only 50 percent of the properties in town this year. Before the town revalues again in five years, the remaining 50 percent of properties will be inspected. This method allows the town to meet the statutory requirements that properties be inspected at least once every 10 years. Properties were selected for inspection this year, Chmura said, based on various factors, including the date of the last inspection.
Chmura added, in the letter, that the data collector will ask questions about the property, such as year built, number of rooms, etc.; will ask permission to view the interior of the property and measure the outside dimensions of the residence and any other structures. They do not collect on personal property information and they will not be able to answer questions about the current value or assessment. The typical inspection takes 10 to 15 minutes to complete.
Putnam and 10 other towns in the region are working through NECCOG and have contracted together with Tyler Technologies, CLT Appraisal Services.

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