PHS pg 1 4-11-13

PUTNAM — March 28 , the Putnam High School Chapter of the National Honor Society inducted 11 new members to this prestigious organization: Cole Andersen, Lynsay Dashnaw, Tristan Desilets, Tyler Genest, Jacob Guertin, Mariela Kridzelis, Ryan Peterson, Milica Sari, Mikayla VanDam, Kyle Verrette and Jessica Walker.
Stephen Faucher, a Putnam High School alumnus and president of the Putnam Lions Club, spoke about the four characteristics of the National Honor Society:  Scholarship, Leadership, Service and Character and how they relate to the mission of the Lions Club, as well as, life.
Superintendent William Hull said, “This is always a great ceremony where we honor not only the new inductees but the other fourteen members of the Putnam High School National Honor Society. All of these students are to be honored not only for their scholarship but their character. “

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