PBA pg 3 4-11-13

PBA's Putnam
clean-up day
is April 27
PUTNAM —The Putnam Business Association’s Beautification Committee received a $500 cleanup support grant from The Last Green Valley Inc. The Putnam Beautification Day will be from 8:30 to 11 a.m. April 27. A complimentary cookout at Rotary Park immediately afterwards.  The rain date is April 28.
The Beautification Committee is seeking volunteers to assist with the cleanup effort, and will join TLGV Chief Ranger Bill Reid, and rangers Marcy Dawley and Doug Berrisford.   Volunteers are asked to contact Beautification Chair, Anna Zubkova at 860-928-3777 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  Volunteers will meet at Rotary Park at 8:30 a.m., and will be divided into teams to work together to remove trash and litter throughout downtown Putnam.  All necessary tools will be provided, including gloves and trash bags.  There will also be a contest for the most trash collected.

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