Dedicated pg 12 4-11-13

Family members of Susan McNally Everson recently gathered at the Putnam Public Library to celebrate her memory. She was raised in Putnam, attended Windham High School in the early ‘60s and graduated from UConn in 1967 with a degree in child development.  She married and moved away for 26 years returning to Putnam in 1994 with her husband Pete Everson. An avid reader all her life, she spent many hours as a child and adult at the Putnam Public Library. A memoriam was set up at the Public Library after her death in 2011 and recently two entryway maple benches were dedicated in her honor. The family also awards a $2,000 annual scholarship in her memory to a Putnam High School senior attending UConn. Standing, left to right: Ben Everson, Pete Everson, Matt Everson. Sitting: Craig McNally, Muriel McNally, Diane McNally Ross. Courtesy photo.

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