St James pg 10 6-6-13

St. James
Memorial Golf
enjoys banner
By Ron P. Coderre
The St. James Memorial Golf Tournament has been in existence for 16 years.  Throughout that time there’s been one constant.  Sam Markley, the organizer of the event, has been the person behind the success that the tournament has witnessed each year.   This year’s tournament broke all records, raising more than $32.000 that will be presented by Markley to St. James School.
“I’m absolutely astounded by the results of this year’s tournament.  We set records for the number of players who participated and consequently we set a record for the amount of money we’ll give to Father John O’Neill and the school administration.  It’s this type of support that keeps me coming back each year,” said Markley.
On the golf course, after the threatening weather passed, the sun came out and the team sponsored by Zip’s Diner of Kevin Cole, Joe Markley, Bill Bartholic and Bill Panteleakos were hotter than the skyrocketing temperature as they posted a 14 under par to capture the 2013 crown.
Close behind the winners at minus 13 was the team of Mike Bernier, John Smutnick, Tom Morway and EJ Wholley.  The show pace was occupied by the foursome sponsored by Wealthcare Investments of Brian Corriveau, Martin Hill, Bill Cesare and Larry Signore.  The Middle of the Road team at seven under par was Pat Crowley, Adam Breton, Joel Blain and Tim Stirk.
Special contest winners were long drive champ Kevin Cole, putting contest winner Richard Wong, and Kevin Haggerty on the par three closest to the pin.
A St. James tradition started by Markley honors individuals who assist the tournament, the parish, the school or their community.  The Joe Mathieu Award was presented to the Langevin family that recently lost its father and brother Bob Langevin in a tragic accident.
Three longtime local coaches received awards for their work with young people.  The Albie Page Award was presented to former Danielson American Legion coach Charlie Crowley, who is also a coach at St. James School.  Tom Auclair, the former Tourtellotte Memorial High School and TriTown American Legion baseball coach, received the Jack LaGarde Award.  The Pastor’s Award went to former Killingly High School football coach Gene Blain.
The Liz Burke Award was presented to Jean Cyr and the women who assist with the work done by the Friends of Assisi Food Pantry in feeding the families in the Danielson area.  The Father John O’Neill Award was presented to John Navarro, who for many years has been a benefactor of St. James Parish and other charitable cause in northeastern Connecticut.
St. James School is to provide tuition assistance to all students who attend the school.  Currently the school has approximately 300 students in kindergarten through eighth grade.

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