Rotary pg 7 6-13-13

Rotary Scholarship Winners
The Putnam Rotary Club recently awarded scholarships to local students. Winners standing with Paul Pikora, Putnam Rotary Club president, include:  Briana Wrublaski (TMHS); Natalia Gil (TMHS), Kimberly Fafard (TMHS), Calyn Petre (TMHS), Jaylin Marie Greene (PHS); Carissa Lueth (TMHS), Sherry Deslauriers (PHS); Krystina Lewis (PHS); Ilea Peckham (PHS), John O'Brien Scholarship; Sarah Owen (WA); Cedar Hayes (PHS), Raymond Brousseau Scholarship; Ashley Stanley (TMHS) Leon Archambault Scholarship. Not pictured: Rachel Maryyanek (TMHS), Maurice Beaulac Scholarship. Linda Lemmon photo.

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