Last pg 3 6-20-13


New Chairman
The new chairman of the board for The Last Green Valley, Brad Cheney of Woodstock, stands with his wife Luisa. Courtesy photo.

The Last Green Valley, Inc. (TLGV) recently elected new board members and officers. The nonprofit organization that manages the 35-town National Heritage Corridor continued its grassroots traditions recognizing volunteers and renewing its Board of Directors.
Chief Ranger Bill Reid reported that 12 TLGV Rangers and occasional volunteers donated 869 hours to represent The Last Green Valley, Inc. at 41 festivals, fairs and other events, and participate in the annual Bald Eagle Survey.  He recognized an exceptional Ranger, Marcy Dawley of Putnam, for her dedicated service and promoted her to Lead Ranger.  
Volunteers also support TLGV’s work in the field.  More than 15 groups including 1000 people donated their time for clean ups of walks, trails and river ways, removing 11 tons of trash from the environment.  The TLGV Water Quality Monitoring Program conducted seven different kinds of monitoring at locations throughout the watershed, racking up 1000 hours of volunteered time.
Outgoing TLGV Board members Roger Adams, Nancy Polydys and Marge Hoskin were recognized for their outstanding service to the nonprofit.  
Elected from TLGV’s membership to three-year terms on the Board of Directors were Myra Ambrogi of Plainfield, Alix McNitt of Sturbridge, Brad Cheney of Woodstock, Donna Baron of Lebanon, Mike Nelson of Norwich and Brian Wells of Mansfield.  Bill Jobbagy of Coventry was chosen to fill an unexpired one-year term.  
Officers for the next year are:  Brad Cheney (Chairman), Jason Vincent (Vice Chairman), Myra Ambrogi (Secretary), and Tom Dufresne (Treasurer).

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