Chamber pg 1 6-27-13


Northeastern Connecticut Chamber of Commerce Silver Anniversary champions, left to right: Paul Archer, Steve Townsend, George Tsanjoures and Ted Tsanjoures.  The won with a score of 62. Courtesy photo.

By Ron P. Coderre
The Northeastern Connecticut Chamber of Commerce Golf Invitational celebrated its Silver Anniversary between the rain drops, as the sun shone on the full field of golfers June 12.  In a week filled with rain, Chamber director Betti Kuszaj and tournament chairman Don St. Onge were thankful that the day of the tourney was filled with sunshine.
“Overall the day was very successful.  We were so pleased when we awoke to a sun filled day.  Thanks to the weather man our golfers were able to enjoy the pleasantries of Quinnatisset Country Club,” said Kuszaj.
The golf competition was as hot as the temperatures as three foursomes finished tied for the top spot with identical cards of 62.  Using the matching card system to determine the winner, the foursome of Paul Archer, Steve Townsend and Ted and George Tsanjoures emerged as the 25th Anniversary champions.  The runner-up slot went to Mike Gaudreau, Chris Berris and the father-son pair of Earl and Cody Semmelrock.  Rounding out the top three was the show team of Scott Green, Tom Morway, Tom Harney and Nate Trythall.
In the skins competition, the foursome of Arben and Frank Abdullovski, Ryan Carpenter and Scott Wilcox picked up the prize money when they recorded an eagle on the par five, 18th hole, which was playing 532 yards.
In the closest to the pin contests, Jeremy Hendrickson and Cody Semmelrock tied at 7-feet on the 3rd hole; Tom Willsey at 7-feet, two inches was closest on the 7th hole; Guy Henry at five-feet, seven-inches captured the 13th hole; and Tom Kowalchik was the winner on hole #15 with a shot that settled two-feet, three-inches from the pin.  Brian Sharp was the men’s long drive champ, while Nancy Cole won the crown for the women.
The proceeds of the tournament, which raised well in excess of $20,000, will go toward the Chamber’s scholarship program.

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