Adventure pg 7 7-11-13

Adventure Bound
Nine members of Putnam Boy Scout Troop 25, and four Scout leaders are trekking through the Sangre de Cristo Mountains at Philmont Scout Ranch in Cimarron, N.M. The troop is chartered by Living Faith United Methodist Church of Putnam. They will hike over 70 miles in 12 days over wilderness trails that climb from 6500 feet to 12,400 feet. They must carry all they need to survive. They will endure tough challenges including backpacking through bear and mountain lion territory, tackling steep climbs, and overcoming  the adversities of inclement and unpredictable weather. Part of their experience will be participating in a conservation project to augment the protection of the ecosystem of the wild, natural habitat. One of the greatest challenges will be to acclimate themselves to the thin, dry air of those high desert mountains. The trails are not marked so they must use their scout skills of orienteering. Left to right: Roger Brodeur, David Lavoie, Kyle Ouillette, Tim Maerkel, Justin Dodd, Mead Bragdon, Reed Hopkins, Mark Brodeur, Nick Lavoie, Cody Corey, Doug Dodd, Dakota Cook, Todd Bragdon. Photo courtesy of Wendi Hopkins.

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