String pg 3 7-1813

By Linda Lemmon
Town Crier Editor
PUTNAM --- "We're trying to be an answer to any musical needs in the Putnam area," said Don Spaeth, one of three owners of the new String Tinkers  downtown.
In addition to beautiful handmade cigar box instruments, plus locally made stringed instruments, the business will also be doing lessons, repairs and more. "Putnam is remaking itself into an art center and we hope to be part of the musical part of that," Spaeth said.
The first note for the business sounded when Spaeth was in Silver circle Gallery looking at the "woodworking genius" of George Brin. They got to talking and found out that cigar box guitars were a huge interest of Spaeth, Brin and the third partner Anthony Foronda. The business was born.  In addition to Brin's work, Spaeth said they also offer instruments made by artisans "at the ends of dirt roads" in the area.
String Tinkers will hold its grand opening July 20 with special entertainment and giveaways. The business is generally open from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday.

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