Lions pg 6 7-18-13

PUTNAM — The Putnam Lions Club celebrated member accomplishments, welcomed new members, and installed a new slate of officers for the 2013-2014 fiscal year recently.
For his tireless efforts and dedication to humanitarian service, Lion Secretary Rick Bennett was presented with the Progressive Melvin Jones Fellowship Award. Lion Stu Neal was awarded the Knight of the Blind. Lion Ann Russo was recognized as an Ambassador of Sight. Lions Jim and Deb St. Jean both received the Jerry Richards Award (Lion of the Year). Lion Dianne Tremblay received a 10 Year Chevron, for 10 years of service to the Putnam Lions.
New officers for the 2013-2014 fiscal year were installed: President Leia Faucher, First Vice President Lea Therrien, Second Vice President Romeo Blackmar, Third Vice President John Dignam, Secretary Rick Bennett, Treasurer Karyn DiBonaventura, Tail Twister Mel Cassio, Lion Tamer Carol Benoit, Membership Fran Gregoire and Armand LaFleur, Leo Advisor/Board Member Al Cormier, One Year Director Amy Franklin, Two Year Director Cheryl Guillot and Three Year Director Steve Faucher.
The Putnam Lions also welcomed two new members: Michael McKeon and Lori Guimont.

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