4-H pg 12 7-18-13

POMFRET — The Pomfret Horse and Trail Association partnered with Windham County Outdoor Center and 4H Camp.
The 4-H camp offers horseback riding as an activity option to its summer campers.  For the third year, Pomfret Horse and Trail sponsored an essay contest in the spring and the winner receives a one-week scholarship to attend horse camp.  Association members have been working on trail clearing on camp property, assisted most recently by students from Rectory School.  
The camp has two horse barns.  One was renovated in 2011-12, supported by funds from the Gates family in memory of Gary Gates, 4H Foundation funds and contributions from individuals, many of whom were Horse & Trail members.  On June 17, Pomfret Horse and Trail members presented a check for $896.26 to Foundation members towards the renovation of Barn #2.  The Gates family has also contributed money toward that renovation.The Foundation will begin that renovation when enough funding is in place to complete it.
The Pomfret Horse & Trail Association was established in 2008 and now has close to 50 members.  The Association’s goals are threefold: to establish a presence in the community and work with the various town boards in helping to preserve, promote, and acquire open space; to create a sense of community among equestrians and townspeople; and to work toward the preservation and enhancement of our farming heritage.

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