Sun pg 1 7-25-13

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The Arc Quinebaug Valley President of the Board of Directors Jeff Rawson, left, presented Gerardi Insurance Services, represented by President Matthew Desaulnier, with the Gardner Johnson Award for their ongoing support of the tournament and the agency.

The winners of the 2013 Gardner Johnson Memorial Golf Tournament, left to right: Chris Krushefsky, Joe Salan, Peter Zulli and Bruce Barrett.  The won with a score of minus 13. Courtesy photo.

Sun shines
on Arc
golf tourney
By Ron P. Coderre
The Arc Quinebaug Valley 26th Gardner Johnson Memorial Golf Tournament couldn’t have been played on a better day, even if it was written as a fairy tale.  Complemented by a full field of golfers, the scenario was ideal for the most successful tournament in the long and storied history of the event.
Friday, July 12 dawned as a perfect day for golf.  Bright sunshine, under a cloudless sky.  Balmy temperatures in the mid-80’s.  And a slight breeze, often working in favor of the golfers.  It was obvious that the late Gardner Johnson, a founding member of the Arc and an advocate for people with life-affecting disabilities was smiling and shining down on the tourney that is named in his memory.
On the links the golfers took advantage of the conditions posting scorching scores as the tournament winners were a reflection of the type of day they enjoyed.  Featuring more corporate sponsors than ever before in its history, just about every foursome was sponsored by a local business.
The Wireless Zone foursome of Captain Chris Krushefsky, Joe Salan, Peter Zulli and Bruce Barrett kept the lines of communication open for 18 holes, turning in a card of 58 for a 13 under par winning score on the par 71 Foster Country Club layout.
Trailing close behind the winners were two foursomes with scores of minus 12.  Second place, determined by matching cards went to the group from the Citizens National Bank of Captain Josh Peach, Earl Withers, Nate Trythall and Riley Prather.  They edged the foursome of Jack Mooney, Mike Christina, Jeff Clang and Jeff Clang, Jr.  
A special award for the team with the highest score went to Greg Glovach, Al Amato, Brian Gill and Tom Masso, sponsored by Haskell.  They turned in a score of plus five, 76.  In the skins competition the winning teams were Westview Nursing Care and Luther’s Real Estate.  Closest to the pin winners were Earl Rosebrooks, Tom Chenail, Bruce Barrett and Justin Olsen.  Romeo Blackmar was the winner of the special drawing for his shot on the par three, 7th hole.
According to Golf Committee Chairman and President of the Board of Directors Jeff Rawson the tournament realized more than $42,000, the most in the 26-year history.
“It was simply amazing to see the willingness of companies and individuals who stepped forward in support of the tournament.  The support will assist the Arc with its programs and services throughout the Northeastern Connecticut region,” said Rawson.
“Our golf committee, chaired by The Arc’s President Jeff Rawson did a phenomenal job working over several months to assure a successful event,” said Arc Executive Director Susan M. Desrosiers.
Working with Rawson on the organizational committee were Josh Peach, Julie Ann Dupont, Pam Brown, Sue Johnston, Tom Masso, Dave Stuyniski, Ron and Fay Beriau, Jerre Fillmore, Eric Quinn, Jeff Rizer, Earl Rosebrooks, Ron Coderre and Arc staff Linda Lamoureux, Patrick Kuhn, Emily Groves and Sandi Riemann.
“We are so grateful to all the sponsors, players and friends of The Arc who made this day such a huge success.  Families and individuals with disabilities in our community will benefit in many positive ways from this tournament,” said Desrosiers.

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