american pg 9 7-25-13

By Ron P. Coderre
This week’s sporty shout out is sent along to Pamela Watts the Day Kimball Hospital Director of Development.  Watts, who was previously a news anchor on Providence television, recently choreographed the 29th version of the DKH Golf Tournament.
Two members of the TriTown American Legion Baseball Program were recently nominated and selected to play in the Futures Baseball Game at Central Connecticut State University.

The game is sponsored by Rawlings, the baseball people, and provides college coaches the opportunity to see some of Connecticut’s finest American Legion talent on one field at the same time in one game.
The two individuals selected for the game are both young men who have completed their junior year in high school and will be entering their senior year in September.  Both are as good in the classroom as they are on the diamond.  Sean Falvey, a student at Woodstock Academy and Ben Brissette of Tourtellotte were proposed by their coach Paul Faucher.
Falvey is a rangy young man, who scales in at six-foot, three inches and 200 pounds. He’s the hard hitting third baseman for TriTown.  Defensively he covers the hot corner as well as anyone in Zone VI.  At bat, he’s a solid line drive hitter who has the power to provide the long ball on occasion.  In the spring he’s a member of the Woodstock Academy Centaurs.  Falvey is expected to be a mainstay of both the Academy and American Legion teams next season.  He’s the son of Anne Falvey and the grandson of Fern and Lorraine Phaneuf of Woodstock.
Brissette, who is built like a fire hydrant, is the second baseman for TriTown but he’s also capable of filling in the outfield when necessary.  In the middle of the infield he forms a flawless double play combination with whoever is at shortstop for the Towners.  He’s a solid contact hitter with speed to burn.  In the spring he plays for the Tourtellotte Tigers, where he’s also a member of the Quinebaug Pride.
Brisette was a recent participant at the American Legion Boys’ State, which was held at Eastern Connecticut State University.  He’s the son of Sean and Tara Brissette and the grandson of Ron and Yvette Brissette of Thompson.
A Proud Moment for Local Runner…
 Congratulations to Elizabeth Buzalski of Thompson for successfully completing her first half-marathon recently in Jamestown, R.I. Buzalski, who only took up running a short time ago, has participated in a number of local races; however this was her initial attempt at an event of this distance.  In real life, Buzalski is the principal at Tax Master in Putnam and an active member of the Putnam Rotary Club.
Mid-Summer Golf Tournaments…
If you’re looking for a way to support charitable work while enjoying some relaxing time on the golf links two local tournaments are right around the corner.  The Knights of Columbus Council #64 Golf Tournament is Sunday, July 28 at Connecticut National Golf Club.  And the Danielson Rotary Club Golf Tournament is Friday, August 2 at the same location.
The Knights scramble format tourney features a 12:30 p.m. tee time, preceded by 11 a.m. cocktails at the Knights home on Providence Street in Putnam.  The event is followed by appetizers and awards back at the home following play.  Sponsorships are available and there are still slots remaining for golfers at $110 per player or $440 per foursome.  For more information contact Gerry Vailliant – 860 428-0058; Tim Bly – 860 942-2168; or call the K of C 860 928-0064.
The Rotary scramble tournament is a 1 p.m. shotgun start, which includes cash prizes for the three top foursomes and a wild card team.  The entry fee is $125 per golfer and includes golf with cart, team photo, lunch, dinner, snacks, refreshments, gifts and fun.  Sponsorships are available.  For more information contact Bob Chenail at 860 923-0458 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Jay Long at 860 428-7661 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Get Well Notes

Well known former coach and umpire Stan Lesniewski was recently hospitalized at UMass Medical Center in Worcester.  The popular Lesniewski is a veteran of the Vietnam war and an American Legion member of Post #67, where he also serves as a representative for his Post on the TriTown American Legion Baseball executive committee.  Send Lesniewski a note to cheer him along the recovery process at P.O. Box 637, Thompson, CT 06277-0637.

Send get well wishes also to former Putnam Clipper Leon Bingo Gorthreau to 41 Fairmount St., Putnam.

Test Your Trivia Knowledge…
Two of Putnam’s biggest cheerleaders, Dave Vitale and Willie Bousquet remind Putnam High School grads and anyone interested that the Putnam High School Alumni Athletic Association is holding a Sports Trivia Night Fundraiser on Tuesday, August 13 at Athens Pizza on School St. in Putnam.  The festivities begin at 7 p.m. and conclude at 9 p.m.
RPC’s Closing Thought For The Day: Don’t accept your dog’s admiration as conclusive evidence that you are wonderful.

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