Old pg 9 8-22-13

By Ron P. Coderre
This week’s RPC sporty shout out is sent along to my brother Mike “The Mailman” Coderre.  One of Putnam’s best known citizens, he celebrates another candle on the cake on Monday, August 26.  Happy Birthday, brother.
The black and white photographs of the original Putnam Little League teams and the St. Mary’s Junior High School basketball team adorn the walls and shelves of the “Man Cave.”  One of the individuals in the photos is a rugged, good looking kid with a smile that says it all.  He’s Lenny Bonneville an eager kid avid and ready to step up to the plate or drive to the hoop.  A friend and teammate.
The name Lenny Bonneville, the son of Putnam’s former assistant postmaster Norman Bonneville and his wife Jeannette, is most likely unknown to the younger generations of the Putnam area.  To those old enough to remember the 1950s the name is probably encrusted in the far recesses of the mind.  As a young man growing up in Putnam, Bonneville was one of the area’s top athletes.  His career never materialized because he left school in midterm to join the United States Navy, an occurrence that wasn’t that unusual in those days.
On Friday, July 26 Bonneville died in Murrells Inlet, S.C., one day after his July 25 birthday, at age 74.  According to close friends of his he had been in failing health for some time.  He leaves behind his wife and caregiver Priscilla (Goodyear) Bonneville, a son Todd and a daughter Laurie.
Bonneville was a member of the University of Connecticut security force for many years, a position he cherished and carried out with pride.  He was retired for a number of years from a security management position.  A solid and proud American he was a lifetime member and two-time commander of VFW Post 1720 in Willimantic, prior to moving to South Carolina.
Although he’s only remembered by a few Putnam citizens, he is remembered by one of his former teammates.  His brief obituary states the services were private and Lenny’s family wishes that, “you do something nice today for someone in Lenny’s memory.”  Rest in peace, my friend.  I did something nice for someone today and it was you.  I hope that if one person who reads this remembers you and will keep you in their prayers.
Wedding Bells For A Former Putnamite…
Wedding bells will be ringing next month for former Putnam High School Clipper standout baseball and basketball player Jim Dumas and his fiancée Mary DaPonte.  The nuptial is scheduled for Southbridge, where the couple currently resides.
Dumas, who works in a management position for the Southbridge Water Pollution Control Authority, gained fame in recent years for his exploits on the bowling alley and golf course.  A few years back, Dumas rolled a perfect 300 games on the lanes and followed that up with a hole-in-one on the links.  Getting married completes the trifecta for the affable Dumas.
One More Time Around The Track…
Well-known local handyman and contractor “Frenchy” Drouin was accorded the thrill of a lifetime as a special Father’s Day gift was presented to him by his daughter who resides in Charlotte, North Carolina.
While visiting in the Carolinas, where he also put his skills to work erecting a four-season room to his daughter’s home, Drouin was surprised with the opportunity to drive a professional racecar for 20 laps around the Charlotte International Motor Speedway.  According to his recounting of the saga, he took the car up to 140 miles per hour during his thrilling ride.  Although he enjoyed the experience he didn’t have any NASCAR agents waiting for him with contracts when he finished.
Celebrity In Town…
Spotted in town on Sunday, August 11 at the annual Car Show was Comcast Sports Network (CSN) Television and sometime network basketball analyst and celebrity Donny Marshall.  The former University of Connecticut basketball standout who played for coach Jim Calhoun was easy to spot as his six-foot, five-inch frame stood out in the crowd.
Marshall, who is married to the former Jillian D’Elia of Putnam, was seen strolling the streets with his father-in-law and Putnam Republican Mayoral candidate Norman “Barney” Seney.  The affable Marshall noted he’s enjoying the summer doting over the recent birth of his daughter and playing some golf when he’s not home babysitting.
Support For The Fire Department…
Putnam Fire Department Assistant Chief Norm Perron and his committee of Bob Campbell, Assistant Chief and Captains Jim Gardner and Ray Phillips is proud to once again remind the citizens of the community of the department’s Annual Softball Tournament Fundraiser.  The event is scheduled for Sunday, September 15 at Owen Tarr Field in Putnam.
The tournament is a fundraiser for the department’s charities and is held in memory of two deceased members of the PFD, Wayne Rich and Donald Warren.  Rich died in 2005 when he lost his battle with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, known familiarly as Lou Gehrig’s disease.  Warren who died in 2011 was afflicted with and fought a lifelong battle with Multiple Sclerosis.
Businesses and individuals interested in supporting the members of the Fire Department may send tax deductible contributions to – Putnam Police/Fire & EMS Dispatch, 189 Church Street, Putnam, CT 06260.  Checks should be made payable to Putnam Fire Department Officers.
From The Annals Of Putnam Sports History…
October 1914: Putnam held a “Joe Connolly Weekend” after the Boston Nationals won the World Series over Philadelphia, 4 games to 0.  He was feted at the Putnam Inn, then at a special show at the Bradley Theater.  The next day, an Old Timers’ Game between Putnam and Dayville was played before 1500 fans.  (Information contributed by Willie Zamagni)
RPC’s Closing Thought For The Day: A bird in the hand…can be messy.


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