CorePlus pg 6 9-19-13

NORWICH — CorePlus Federal Credit Union recently held its fourth “Unsung Heroes Recognition” event on WINY Radio’s Morning Show with host “Gary O” in Putnam.  
This popular event has members of the listening audience call in to name an ‘unsung hero’ in their community or someone who may have had a special impact on their life so that that person might receive recognition as an “Unsung Hero”.  
For every call received, CorePlus then donates $25 towards the local charity of the caller’s choice in the hero’s name.  
Calls came into the station from 6 to 9 a.m. and were answered by four members of the CorePlus team: Putnam Service Manager Meg Popiak, Loan Zone Service Manager Elizabeth Zachow, Putnam Assistant Service Manager LisaBeth Adamick and Director of Marketing, Susan Dombrowski.  
One-hundred forty seven callers named their unsung heroes, and $3675 total was donated to 79 local non-profit and charitable organizations.  
Each caller was asked to explain why the person named was their hero and then each hero was recognized “on the air” by Warren Scholl, president and CEO of CorePlus Credit Union, and host Gary Osbrey.
Through the “Unsung Hero Recognition” campaign, CorePlus has donated over $13,500 to local charities over the past four years, honoring 540 local heroes.

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