Positively pg 7 9-26-13


The pie-eating contest in last year's Positively Pomfret Day. This year's event is Sept. 28. Courtesy photo.

POMFRET —  Positively Pomfret Day, Sept. 28, will delight young and old alike. It will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Pomfret Recreation Park on Rt. 97. It’s free.
 While the Town of Pomfret is winding down the Pomfret 300 celebrations, folks will be out in force for this annual event.
New additions this year include a free souvenir photo booth sponsored by Pomfret 300,  a men’s skillet toss (in addition to the women’s), the  ‘Baby Crawl’ contest with Dr. Marc Cerrone, and demonstrations by 17th Century Artisans. Pomfret 300 Committee will be selling the new “Pomfret Thorough the Years” book, T-shirts, hats, commemorative post cards, daffodil bulbs, and the CD of PCS kids - “Sing a Song of Pomfret.” We-Lik-It Ice Cream’s  commemorative ‘Patriotic Pomfret” ice cream will be scooped and served free by the Democratic Town Committee members to go along with the 300th Birthday Cake.  
The inflatable rides will be a big draw again this year along with the ever popular “Cash Cube.”  The Fire Department volunteers will be there with the emergency / fire response vehicles.  Opening ceremonies will begin at 10 am with the release of Doves by Pomfret resident  Norm Boutin.  Pomfret Community School kids will then entertain by singing  songs they wrote celebrating  the Town’s Tercentennial.  The Yankee Dogs will provide music throughout the day.  There will be food vendors, craft vendors, a chocolate cream pie eating contest, trivia contest,  and karate demonstrations. The Life Flight helicopter will be on site (unless called away) for those who want to have a closer look.  
Pomfret Recreation Director Barbara Gagnon works tirelessly to make PPD a signature Pomfret event. 

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