Bark pg 9 9-26-13

By Ron P. Coderre
This week’s RPC sporty shout out is sent along to 1959 Putnam High School grad Sam Alvord.  One of the original “boys of summer” in the Putnam Little League when it was formed in 1951, Alvord was the catcher on the championship Yankee teams.  He celebrates another candle on the cake on Saturday, September 28.
The Putnam Dog Park has been getting its share of publicity lately.  When completed it will be yet another plus for the community of Putnam and will afford dog owners and “man’s best friend” a place to romp along the Quinebaug River.
The Putnam Lions Club has been the moving force behind securing the funding for the Park.  In an effort to reach its financial goal the Lions in cooperation with the Putnam Recreation Department is sponsoring a Glo-Ball Golf Tournament on Saturday, September 28 at Harrisville Golf Course in an attempt to scrape up some more funds while having fun.  The nine-hole event is scheduled to tee off at 7 p.m. sharp with registration beginning at 6 p.m.  Organizers are hoping for a full moon to help those who may be barking at the luna as they attempt to follow the flight of their glo-ball.
Get this – the cost is only $120 for a four-person team and includes glo-balls, hot dogs, chips and lemonade.  The top five teams will walk away with prizes, which include such unique items as a complimentary team brick at the park, restaurant gift certificates, apparel and rounds of golf.
“We thought we’d try something that was fun yet enjoyably competitive.  We’re hoping to fill up the field so that we can manage a meaningful gift toward the completion of the dog park as well as some added amenities for the puppies that will enjoy the surroundings when it’s completed,” said Lion organizer Stu Neal.
Neal, a dog lover in his own right with five canines in his household, has been a moving force behind the project.  The 1962 Putnam High School grad, who starred in football and baseball for the Clippers, has been toiling vigorously on the project since its inception.
“I’m so excited about this tournament, I’ve taken the SOS pads to my golf clubs and I’m slowly removing the rust so I can be prepared for this fun evening.  I hope to see as many dog lovers, who also enjoy golf turnout to make this evening a huge success,” concluded Neal.
Individuals wishing more information or wanting to register should contact Neal at 860 377-1103 or by e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  They may also contact Recreation Director Willie Bousquet at 860 963-6811.  Lion David Pietrowsky is also assisting with the details.  Checks should be made payable to Putnam Dog Park and mailed to 126 Church St., Putnam, CT 06260.
Gymnastics Team
Garners Award…
Woodstock Academy recently received word that its State Champion gymnastics team was honored by being awarded the CIAC Best Sports Team Award for the recently concluded 2012-2013 school year.  This recognition is one of the most prestigious awards any team in Connecticut can receive.
The Centaur gymnasts captured the Eastern Connecticut Conference, State Class M and Open titles last year.  Under the direction of coach Robin Deary-Fillmore and assistant coach Gene Michael Deary the Centaurs were near perfect last season as they worked their way to the titles.
Some of the members of last season’s championship squad included Shaila Segal, Bree Hussong, Jackie and Nicki Deary, Courtney Osborn and Emily Lipka.  Many of these ladies will be returning this season in an attempt to secure more championship hardware for Woodstock Academy.
Old Pros Gather
at Inn at Woodstock Hill…
Two former area greats were recently reunited at the Inn at Woodstock Hill on Friday, September 13.  Although it was Friday the 13th, it turned out to be a lucky day for former Tourtellotte Memorial High School basketball standout Jim “Chico” Panu as he ran into an old friend and Massachusetts great Fran Kasheta.
Kasheta, who was one of New England’s all-time great pitchers, made it all the way to Triple A with the San Francisco Giants in an era when there weren’t as many teams in the Major League as there are today.  He later coached baseball for five seasons for the Marianapolis Golden Knights.  Today he and his wife enjoy spending time with their grandchildren, traveling and relaxing at dinner over the fine cuisine of The Inn at Woodstock Hill.
The gregarious Panu spent quality minutes with Kasheta reminiscing of the days of yore and wondering why youth is wasted on the young.  Panu was also able to circulate through the tables greeting many other former athletes who were enjoying dinner.  Among those present were Jim Kroll, Phil Leveille, Dave Johnson, Moe Coderre, Gerry Tetreault and Pete Vanghel.
Great Britain Native
Coaching PSA Soccer…
A new face has joined the coaching ranks at Putnam Science Academy with the appointment by Head-of-School Emrullah Durmaz of Owen Quantick as the Mustangs junior varsity and thirds soccer coach.  Quantick, who hails originally from Bridgwater, England, also teaches chemistry at the school.   He’s a graduate of Nottingham Trent University with a degree in chemistry and biology and has a teaching degree from Lauthborough University and a master’s from Canterbury Christ Church University.  
Quantick is pleased that 38 young men came out for the soccer program, although he notes, “they are very positive and well behaved and they like to play but training is another matter.”  He and his wife Caron Quantick, a biology teacher at PSA, reside in Norwich with their two-year old daughter Margaret.
From The Annals Of Putnam Sports History…
October 1898: Putnam High School defeated Woodstock Academy in football 32-0 on Tatem’s Field.  Putnam was later defeated by Southbridge 27-0.  (Information contributed by Willie Zamagni)
RPC’s Closing Thought For The Day: Failure is never fatal and success in never final.


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