It pg 11 10-17-13

POMFRET — One morning, 8-year-old Ben Mayo, a student at Pomfret Community School, sat on his couch watching the morning news. He saw a little girl around his age in the hospital that had been injured in the Oklahoma tornado and wanted to help so he picked up a penny off the floor and asked his Mom if he could collect pennies and give them to the little girl. This was a major stepping stone for a child with PDD, NOS, and ADHD, more commonly known as a child “under the autism spectrum”.
He collected pennies from everywhere he could think of and brought this amount to the local Red Cross chapter. In all Ben raised $215.89 and the local Red Cross chapter recognized him with a certificate and a pencil which he keeps in a special drawer in his room. His mom and dad, Charlotte and James Mayo Sr., couldn’t be prouder of what he has accomplished. There is still compassion in the world and Ben Mayo might not be able to look you in the eyes but it is there in his heart.

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