Legal pg 10 - Grease 10-31-13

Legal Notice  - Town of Putnam
The following ORDINANCE was approved at the Special Town Meeting held on October 21, 2013 and shall become effective twenty-one (21) days after date of publication.
Dated at Putnam, Connecticut  this 23rd day of October, 2013
Sara J. Seney, Town Clerk
Oct. 30, 2013
1. Purpose.
The purpose of this Ordinance is to outline the wastewater pretreatment requirements for Food Preparation Establishments and other commercial and industrial facilities that discharge fats, oils, and grease in their wastewater flow. All new and existing facilities that generate and discharge fats, oils, and grease in their wastewater flow shall install, operate and maintain FOG Management Equipment.
2. Definitions.
AGENT — Authorized representative of the Town of Putnam.
CONTACT PERSON - The Contact Person shall mean the individual responsible for overseeing daily operation of the Food Preparation Establishment and who is responsible for overseeing the Food Preparation Establishment’s compliance with the FOG Pretreatment Program as established herein.
FOG - FATS, OILS AND GREASE (FOG) - Animal and plant derived substances that may solidify or become viscous between the temperatures of 32°F and 150°F (0°C to 65°C), and that separate from wastewater by gravity. Any edible substance identified as grease per the most current EPA method as listed in 40- CFR 136.3.
FOG INTERCEPTOR - A passive tank installed outside a building and designed to remove fats, oils and grease from flowing wastewater while allowing wastewater to flow through it, and as further defined herein.
FOG MANAGEMENT EQUIPMENT- Refers to properly installed and operated FOG Interceptors and Alternate FOG Management Equipment as approved by the Town of Putnam Water Pollution Control Director.
FOOD PREPARATION ESTABLISHMENTS - Food Preparation Establishments include establishments that use food preparation processes    and that are regulated by the Northeast District Department of Health and classified as a Class III or Class IV facility, or are regulated by the Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection. These facilities include but are not limited to restaurants, hotel kitchens,hospitals, school kitchens, bars, factory cafeterias and clubs. Industrial Food Processing Facilities are not regulated by this Ordinance.
GREASE RECOVERY UNIT (GRU) - All active indoor mechanical systems designed to remove fats, oils and grease by physical separation from flowing wastewater, as further defined herein.
NOTIFICATION OF APPROVED ALTERNATE FOG MANAGEMENT EQUIPMENT- Written notification from the Town of Putnam Water Pollution Control Director for authorization to install and/or operate Alternate FOG Management Equipment as defined herein.
RENDERABLE FATS, OILS, AND GREASE — Refers to fats, oils, and grease not contaminated by contact with wastewater, and which can be recycled by a rendering company. Renderable fats, oils, and grease sources include but are not limited to fryolators, grills and exhaust hoods.
RENDERABLE FATS, OILS AND GREASE CONTAINER - Refers to a closed, leak-proof container for the collection and storage of food grade fats, oils, and grease.
REGIONAL FOG DISPOSAL FACILITY- A facility for the collection and disposal of non-renderable FOG approved by the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection.
3. Application to Install FOG Management Equipment.
A. FOG Management Equipment shall be
provided for:
(1) All new and existing Food Preparation Establishments, including restaurants, cafeterias, diners, and similar nonindustrial facilities using food preparation processes that have the potential to generate FOG in wastewater at concentrations in excess of the limits defined in this Ordinance.
(2) New and existing facilities which, in the opinion of the Water Pollution Control Director, require FOG Management Equipment for the proper handling of wastewater containing fats, oils, or grease, except that such FOG Management Equipment shall not be required for private living quarters or dwelling units.
B. All new Food Preparation Establishments which generate and discharge wastewater containing fats, oils, and grease and which will require FOG Management Equipment, as determined by the Water Pollution Control Director, shall include the design and specifications for the FOG Management Equipment as part of the sewer connection application as described in Town of Putnam Water and Sewer Ordinance.
C. All existing Food Preparation Establishments which generate, and discharge wastewater containing fats, oils, and grease, and which require new FOG Management Equipment, as determined by the Water Pollution Control Director, shall submit an application for the installation of new FOG Management Equipment within twelve (12) months of adoption of this Ordinance. The application shall be in accordance with appropriate sections of the Water and Sewer Ordinance. The approved FOG Management Equipment shall be installed within two (2) years of adoption of this Ordinance.
D. Existing Food Preparation Establishments which generate, and discharge wastewater containing fats, oils, and grease, and which have existing non- complying FOG Management Equipment may, as determined by the Water Pollution Control Director, operating the
existing FOG Management Equipment. Such facilities shall submit an application for “Alternate FOG Management Equipment” as described in Section 6C. Such application shall be submitted within twelve (12) months of adoption of this Ordinance.
E. All costs and related expenses associated with the installation and connection of the FOG Interceptor(s) or GRU(s) shall be borne by the Food Preparation Establishment. The Food Preparation Establishment shall indemnify the Town of Putnam and its Agents for any loss or damage that may directly or indirectly occur due to the installation of the GRU.
4.    Discharge Limits
A. No facility shall discharge or cause to be discharged any wastewater with a FOG concentration in excess of one hundred (100) milligrams per liter, as determined by the currently approved test for total recoverable fats and grease listed in 40 CFR 136.3, or in concentrations or in quantities which will harm either the sewers or the Water Pollution Control Facility, as determined by the Water Pollution Control Director.
5.    Management Equipment Requirements.
A. An Application for the design and installation of FOG Management Equipment shall be subject to review and approval by the Water Pollution Control Director per the Water and Sewer Ordinance, and subject to the requirements of all other applicable codes, ordinances and laws.
B. Except as provided by Section 6, the wastewater generated from Food Preparation Establishments shall be treated to remove FOG using a FOG Interceptor or GRU meeting the requirements of the Connecticut DEEP’s General Permit for the Discharge of Wastewater Associated with Food Preparation Establishments.
C. Every structure at the subject facility shall be constructed, operated and maintained, in a manner to ensure that the discharge of food preparation wastewater is directed solely to the FOG interceptor, or Alternate FOG Management Equipment. No valve or piping bypass equipment that could prevent the discharge of food preparation wastewater from entering appropriate treatment equipment shall be present.
D. The Contact Person at each Food Preparation Establishment shall notify the Water Pollution Control Director when the FOG Management Equipment is ready for inspection and connection to the public
sewer.    The connection and testing shall be made under the supervision of the plumbing inspector, and/or Agent.
E. All applicable local plumbing/building codes shall be followed during the installation of the FOG Management Equipment.
F. FOG Interceptor Requirements.
The FOG Interceptor shall be installed on a separate building sewer servicing only kitchen flows and shall meet all the requirements of the Connecticut DEP’s General Permit for the Discharge of Wastewater Associated with Food Preparation Establishments.
(2) The inlet and outlet piping shall be PVC ASTM D 1785 Schedule 40 with rubber compression gaskets or solvent weld couplings. The joints must meet ASTM 3212 specifications. The authorized agent may approve other piping materials for use. The minimum diameter of the inlet and outlet piping shall be four inches. The inlet and outlet shall utilize a tee- pipe fitting on the interior of the grease trap/interceptor. The tee-pipe of the inlet and outlet shall extend to within twelve inches of the bottom and at least five inches above the liquid level of the tank.
(3) When it is not practical for the Food Preparation Establishment to install an outdoor in-ground FOG Interceptor per Section 5, a GRU may be utilized. The installation of the GRU must meet the requirements as provided in the Connecticut DEP’s General Permit for the Discharge of Wastewater Associated with Food Preparation Establishments.
6.Alternate FOG Management Equipment.
A. Other Alternate FOG Management Equipment
(1) Other Alternate FOG Management Equipment that does not meet the requirements of Section 5E or Section 6D, may be considered for approval by the Water Pollution Control Director on a case-by-case basis. The application shall include:
(a) Documented    evidence that the Alternate FOG Management Equipment will not discharge FOG concentrations that exceed the discharge limits per Section 4.
(b) Plans and specifications for the proposed system including plans and profile of system installation, manufacturer’s literature, documentation of performance and any other information detailing the alternate system.
(c) A written Operation and Maintenance Plan, which shall include the schedule for cleaning and maintenance, copies of maintenance log forms, a list of spare parts to be maintained at the subject facility, and a list of contacts for the
manufacturer and supplier.    Following receipt of written
Notification of Approved Alternate FOG Management Equipment from the Water Pollution Control Director, the Operation and Maintenance Plan shall be maintained on
the premises. The plan shall be made available for inspection on demand by the Agent.
(d) A written FOG Minimization Plan, which shall include procedures for all Food Preparation Establishment employees to minimize FOG entering the wastewater collection system.
(e) Description of a FOG Pretreatment Training Program for Food Preparation Establishment employees in minimization procedures.
(2) A Notification of Approved Alternate FOG Management Equipment may be granted for a duration not to exceed three (3) years, with extensions, when demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Water Pollution Control Director that the Alternate FOG Management Equipment, Operation and Maintenance Plan, FOG Minimization Plan and FOG Pretreatment Training
Program are adequate to maintain FOG concentration in the wastewater discharge below the limits set in Section 4.
7.    Pretreatment Equipment Maintenance
A. The FOG Management Equipment shall be maintained continuously in satisfactory and effective operation, at the Food Preparation Establishment’s expense.
B. The Contact Person shall be responsible for the proper removal and disposal, by appropriate means, of the collected material removed from the FOG Management Equipment.
C. A record of all FOG Management Equipment maintenance activities shall be maintained on the premises for a minimum of three (3) years.
D. Chemical and/or biological additives that could cause the fats, oils and grease fraction to be released from the FOG Management Equipment are not permitted without the written approval of the Water Pollution Control Director.
E. The Contact Person shall ensure that the FOG interceptor is inspected when pumped to ensure that all fittings and fixtures inside the interceptor are in good condition and functioning properly. The depth of grease inside the tank shall be measured and recorded in the maintenance log during every inspection along with any deficiencies, and the identity of the inspector.
F. The Contact Person shall determine the frequency at which its FOG Interceptor(s) shall be pumped according to the following criteria:
(1) The FOG Interceptor shall be completely cleaned by a licensed waste hauler when 25% of the operating depth of the FOG Interceptor is occupied by solids or a minimum of once every three (3) months, whichever is more frequent.
(2) If the Contact Person can provide data demonstrating that less frequent cleaning of the FOG Interceptor will not result in grease and settled solids level in excess of 25% of the operating depth of the FOG Interceptor, the Water Pollution Control Director may allow less frequent cleaning. The Contact Person shall provide data including pumping receipts for four
(4) consecutive cleanings of the FOG Interceptor, complete with a report from the FOG hauler indicating the grease level at each cleaning, and the FOG Interceptor maintenance log.
(3) A maintenance log shall be maintained on the premises, and shall include the following information: dates of all activities, volume pumped, grease depth, hauler’s name, location of the waste disposal, means of disposal for all material removed from the FOG Interceptor, and the name of the individual recording the information. The maintenance log and waste hauler’s receipts shall be made available to the Agent for inspection on demand. Interceptor cleaning and inspection records shall be maintained on file a minimum of three (3) years.
G. All removal and hauling of the collected materials must be performed by State licensed waste hauler. Pumped material may be disposed of at the Putnam Wastewater Treatment Facility FOG Disposal Facility. Pumping shall include the complete removal of all contents, including floating materials, wastewater and settled sludge. Decanting back into the FOG Interceptor shall not be permitted. FOG interceptor cleaning shall include scraping excessive solids from the wall, floors, baffles and all piping.
H. The Contact Person shall be responsible for the cost and scheduling of all repairs to FOG Management Equipment components. Repairs required by the Agent shall be completed within thirty (30) days after the date of written notice of violation is received by the Contact Person.
8. FOG Minimization.
A. The Contact Person shall make every practical effort to reduce the amount of FOG contributed to the sewer system.
B. Renderable FOG shall not be disposed of, in any sewer, septic tank or FOG Interceptor. All renderable FOG shall be stored in a separate, covered, leak- proof, Renderable FOG Container, stored out of reach of vermin, and collected by a renderer.
C. Small quantities of FOG scraped or removed from pots, pans, dishes and utensils shall be directed to the municipal solid waste stream for disposal.

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