Honoring pg 1 11-21-13

caption, page 1: Spontaneous
In a spontaneous moment that left not a dry eye in the house, WWII veteran Robert Harris stood up and embraced Vietnam Veteran Bert “Chief” Heath. More photos on page 6. Putnam photos courtesy of Sarah Hamby.

Special to the Putnam Town Crier
The community of Putnam honored its veterans with three celebrations that encompassed the entire Veterans Day weekend.  The local veterans were saluted by the Putnam Lodge of Elks #64, the Mayotte-Viens American Legion Post #13 and the Putnam Rotary Club #7890.
Elks Provide Dinner
Nov. 10 the Putnam Lodge of Elks honored local veterans with a free spaghetti and meatball dinner.  More than 160 people, vets, family and friends, attended the ceremony, which was choreographed by Elk Lysa Molnar and highlighted by a moving ceremony led by Exalted Ruler Shawn Tessier.  The National Anthem was sung by United States Air Force veteran (1962-1966) Maurice “Moe” Coderre.
Post #13 Honors Three Vets
On Veterans Day, Nov. 11 American Legion Post #13 held its annual Celebrity Bartender evening.  The highlight of the night was the presentation of recognition plaques to honor the service of WWII U.S. Navy veteran Robert “Bob” Harris, Calvin Heath and Bert “Chief” Heath both U.S. Army Vietnam war era vets.  The awards were presented by Commander Walter Larochelle, a U.S. Army veteran.
The award to Calvin Heath was presented posthumously and was accepted by his brother Bert Heath.  Calvin Heath, who died earlier this year, was a highly decorated Vietnam vet, earning the Silver Star, Bronze Star, Warrior Medal of Valor, Purple Heart and Combat Infantry Badge.  He is credited with saving the lives of members of his unit during a skirmish with the Viet Cong.
The evening raised approximately $4,400 for the Post Youth Activity Fund and in support of the “Home At Last Campaign” for homeless veterans located in Jewett City.
Rotary Club Honors Member Veterans
Nov. 12 the Putnam Rotary Club heard from U.S. Navy veteran Alan Joslin of Putnam on “What Veterans Day Means To Me.”  Joslin, who was seriously wounded in Vietnam, spoke about his ordeal in Southeast Asia and how he’s remained connected with the family of his buddy who lost his life in the skirmish.  He also revealed a recent connection with the surgeon who cared for him immediately following his wounding, and saved his life.
The Rotary Club honored its veteran members: Doug Valentine, Jay Wade and Peter Benoit – U.S. Army; Ben Morgan – U.S. Navy; Elizabeth Buzalski – U.S. Marine Corps; and Gerard Cotnoir and Ronald P. Coderre – U.S. Air Force.  The program was conducted by Club President Brad Favreau.

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