In pg 6 11-21-13

caption: Westview Health Care Center honors veterans

In Dayville
DAYVILLE — Nov. 11, Westview Health Care Center hosted a special Veterans Day ceremony to honor Westview residents, patients and staff who have served the United States through military service.
The program opened with welcoming comments by Administrator David Panteleakos and the Posting of Colors by the Albert J. Breault Post 1523 Honor Guard of Putnam. Mistress of Ceremonies Linda Colangelo sang the National Anthem, followed by the invocation by Chaplain Gerry Salvas and Pledge of Allegiance recited in unison.
Those who were honored were 28 servicemen and women who reside, work and are rehabilitating at the facility. In attendance was 99 year old Westview veteran resident Charles Holbrook. Holbrook served in the U.S. Navy during World War II in 1943.
“You don’t realize that something so dear to your heart such as the love and devotion of your country is just as important to so many others,” said Holbrook. “To experience such a wonderful celebration here in my own home brings joy to my soul. I felt so special.”
The Honorable Daniel Rovero from the Connecticut House of Representatives, Norman Beaupre Commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1523 and Louise Taylor Assistant Therapeutic Recreation Director presented each veteran in attendance with a military salute and flag.
“Today, we are reminded of the selfless act and tremendous courage these men and women displayed on all of our behalf,” said David T. Panteleakos. “We take tremendous pride in honoring those who protect our homeland and make great sacrifices for the sake of generations to come. We are truly grateful for their service.”
Colangelo shared a reading titled “They Did Their Share” and sang “God Bless The USA” and Director of Therapeutic Recreation and bugalist Pam Fillmore performed Taps. To close the program Post 1523 of Putnam retired the colors and a patriotic sing-a-long that represented the multiple branches of the military was enjoyed by all in attendance.

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