QVCC pg 3 11-28-13

DANIELSON — Carmen Cid, Ph.D., interim president of Quinebaug Valley Community College, has been selected as a Connecticut Women’s Hall of Fame Education and Empowerment Honoree for 2013 and will be recognized at its 20th annual Induction Ceremony & Celebration on November 6.
Cid, a Wethersfield resident and long-time educator, is one of 10 women to be honored. She has served as dean of the School of Arts & Sciences at Eastern Connecticut State University for nine years. Over her 29 year career in higher education, she has worked to improve the representation of women and minorities in science fields.
According to Katherine Wiltshire, executive director of the Connecticut Women’s Hall of Fame, “This year’s honorees are leaders throughout the state who have devoted their careers to educating and empowering women and fostering their advancement. As we mark 20 years of highlighting remarkable women’s stories, we celebrate the incredible community we are building to inspire the next generation and women of all ages.”
The Induction Ceremony, the signature program of the Connecticut Women’s Hall of Fame, has been a forum for women to gather, share stories and celebrate the achievements of exceptional women who have paved the way for the current generation to enjoy freedoms and choices unheard of even a few decades ago.
This year’s inductees include Rosa DeLauro, US representative for Connecticut 3rd district; Barbara Hackman Franklin, president and CEO of Barbara Franklin Enterprises who served as US Secretary of Commerce under President George H.W. Bush; Linda Koch Lorimer, vice president of Yale University; and Augusta Lewis Troup, union organizer, journalist and promoter of the suffrage movement.

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