Place pg 3 3-13-14

Place named
Relay honorary
The American Cancer Society has selected Richard Place of Woodstock and a Putnam business owner, to serve as honorary chair for this year’s Relay For Life of Northeastern Connecticut, to be held May 17 and 18 at the Woodstock Fairgrounds.
Known to everyone as Rick, he is owner of Putnam Ford in Putnam.  A strong supporter of Relay For Life, he has been a Corporate Sponsor of Relay For Life for 16 years.   Putnam Ford has held an annual spaghetti dinner the first Saturday in March, raising more than $300,000 in 16 years.  Place is a member of Putnam Rotary Club and a Paul Harris Fellow for his exemplary service to his community.  Although Putnam Ford and its employees are involved in many community programs, Relay For Life is by far the largest.  To quote Place “I am proud of what this community has accomplished and to have the support of this region to continue to fight the fight and we will continue to win one battle at a time until cancer is eradicated.”  He and his wife Mary and daughter Shannon live in Woodstock
 “Here in Windham County, funds raised by our Relay For Life event are making an impact on so many lives, said Place. “From making possible the vital American Cancer Society programs and services that support those in our community facing a diagnosis, to life-changing cancer research and medical discovery, to advocacy for access to quality health care for everyone affected by cancer, the money raised through Relay For Life of Northeastern Connecticut is helping further the vision of a world with less cancer and more birthdays. I am proud to unite with the American Cancer Society to finish the fight.” 
Committee members include: Event Chair Lori Ruehle, Survivorship Chair Betty Ribaudo, Photography Chair Marion Appleton, Advocacy Chair Peter Pavone, Publicity Chair Paul Desautels,  Volunteers Chair Tammy Jean Messier, Relay Café Chair Derek Lemery and others.  Relay For Life NECT has more than 40 people volunteering their time on the committee, planning one of the largest Relay For Life events in New England.
For information about joining the committee or about the event, call 1-800-227-2345 or Event Chair Lori Ruehle at 860-230-4870,  or visit
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