Calling pg 5 3-13-14

Calling all future 
bee keepers 
POMFRET — The Pomfret Agriculture Commission will present local bee keeper experts at 7 p.m. March 20 at the Pomfret Community/Senior Center on Rt. 44.  Adam Squire and Ron Lambert are local expert bee keepers and want to share their knowledge with interested would-be bee keepers. Honey Bees are an important component for Connecticut agricultural crops and the environment and are responsible for pollinating a solid one-third of  the food supply. Their pollen- and nectar-collecting practices, essential for producing and sustaining their young, also provide us with honey and beeswax, two by-products we use and consume in a wide variety of ways.  
The session will cover: Understanding the role of honey bees in agriculture and the current threats we face together; challenges facing honey bees and understanding the role of managed colonies in agriculture; honey bees, colony collapse disorder, and the food system; some solutions and action steps by any and all to support the health of these animals; open discussion and Q&A. Open to all.  An  RSVP is helpful for planning.  Reply to 860-922-4400, or email “This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.”.  
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