Legals pg 11 5-15-14

Legal Notice
Town of Pomfret
The Town of Pomfret adopted the following amended ordinance at the Annual Town Meeting of May 8, 2014:  “Amended Ordinance Regarding Tax Abatements for Volunteer Firefighters”.  Said amended ordinance shall become effective May 30, 2014 or fifteen (15) days after its publication in a newspaper having a general circulation in the Town of Pomfret.
WHEREAS, Pursuant to Public Act 99-272 a municipality may establish by ordinance to provide for an abatement of property taxes for volunteer firefighters; and
WHEREAS, The Town of Pomfret is showing its support to our volunteer firefighters and emergency medical service providers who dedicate their time for the safety and welfare to the Town of Pomfret.
WHEREAS, Both the Pomfret Fire District and the Town of Pomfret portion of the tax bill will be abated, as the tax bill is a combined bill listing amounts for both entities, and it has been mutually agreed upon by both entities to apply the abatement to the Fire District portion first, followed by the Town of Pomfret ’s portion.
THEREFORE, be it enacted by the Board of Selectmen and the Town of Pomfret that the following ordinance be adopted pursuant to the provisions of Section 12-81(6) of the Connecticut General Statutes as amended by Public Act 99-272.
Section 1. To qualify for the abatement, a member in good standing of the Pomfret Fire Department or Pomfret Ambulance Service (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Department”) must complete at least two years of service by the end of June preceding the date of abatement requested and shall own real property or motor vehicle(s) in the Town of Pomfret.
Section 2. A  member of the Department shall not be eligible for a tax abatement under this ordinance unless the individual, during the preceding  May 1st to April 30th has:  (a) attended at least ten (10) drills, one per month; (b) attended one Public Education function (School Visit, Open House or Positively Pomfret Day); (c) attended a Haz Mat Awareness training, Airborne and Blood borne pathogens training as mandated by State law; (d) kept Department physicals up to date; (e) followed all Department policies regarding calls; (f) responded to twenty percent (20%) of all calls.  If any member misses one of the above requirements and is not able to make it up, the line officers, by majority of vote, can waive not more than one specific requirement.
Section 3. Each fiscal year, the Chief of the Pomfret Fire Department must submit to the Office of the Tax Collector, between May 1 and May 31, a written statement with the name and address and years of service of each member of the Department who is in compliance with Section 2 above and is eligible for the tax abatement.
Section 4. The amount of the tax abatement is based on the following schedule as of July 1, 2000:
(a) Two to Four years of service, Two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00)
(b) Five to Six years of service, Five hundred dollars ($500.00)
(c) Seven to Nine years of service, Seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00)
(d) Ten years of service or more, One thousand dollars ($1,000.00)
Section 5. Any volunteer firefighter, emergency medical technician, paramedic or ambulance driver member of the Department who serves twenty (20) years and has attained life membership status and has reached age 65 will continue to receive the one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) abatement as long as they continue to reside and own property in Pomfret. A  surviving spouse, age 65 or older,  of any such Department member who, at the time of his or her death, was entitled to and was granted such benefit under this Ordinance shall be entitled to a continuation of the same: (1) while such spouse remains a widow or widower, or (2) upon termination of any subsequent marriage of such spouse by dissolution or death and while a resident of this state;  for the time such person is the legal owner and actually occupies a dwelling house or premises intended to be benefitted hereunder.
Section 6. The Town of Pomfret may establish a firefighter’s tax abatement fund where donations, grants and other monies can be deposited and used exclusively for this tax abatement program.
Section 7. The provisions of this ordinance are declared to be severable.  If any section, sentence, clause or phase of the ordinance shall, for any reasons, be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity or the remaining sections, sentences, clauses, and phrases of this ordinance, but they shall remain in effect; it being the legislative intent that this ordinance shall remain in effect notwithstanding the validity of any part.
Section 8. This ordinance shall be applicable to assessment years commencing on or after October 1, 2013.  
A copy of the adopted amended ordinance is available for public inspection in the Pomfret Town Clerk’s Office, Five Haven Road, Pomfret Center, CT  06259.
Dated at Pomfret, Connecticut
This 12th day of May, 2014
Cheryl A. Grist,
Town Clerk
May 14, 2014
Legal Notice
Town of Putnam
Zoning Board of Appeals
The Town of Putnam Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a meeting on May 20, 2014, at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall located at 126 Church Street, Putnam. CT.  A public hearing will be continued from the April 15, 2014 meeting on each of the following:
Appeal # 2014-002:  Aleksey Maryanov — Request for a variance from the Town of Putnam Zoning Regulations, Section 730 “Schedule of Dimensional Regulations” for the reduction in side yard requirements from 20’ – 6’ and reduction in front yard requirements from 25’ – 15’ for a proposed 22’ X 44’ addition.  Property located at 72 Woodstock Avenue West, Town Assessor’s Map 001, Lot 007. Zoned R-10. 
Appeal # 2014-003:  Cargill Realty LLC — Request for a Certificate of Approval of Location in accordance with Section 910 of the Town of the Town of Putnam Zoning Regulations for a Repair Garage with a proposed 4400 SQ. FT. 4-bay garage addition to the existing garage. Property located at 135 Providence Pike, Town Assessor’s Map 27, Lot 21. Zoned C-4.
Joseph Nash,
May 7, 2014
May 14, 2014
Legal Notice
Public Hearing
Town of Putnam
Zoning Commission
The Town of Putnam Zoning Commission will conduct a Public Hearing at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, May 28, 2014, in the Cafeteria at the Putnam Middle School, 35 Wicker Street (Israel Putnam Way), Putnam, CT, on the proposed comprehensive amendment/restatement of the Town of Putnam Zoning Regulations and Zoning Map.  A hard copy of the proposed regulations and the full-size map at a scale of 1" = 1,000' may be viewed in the Zoning/Land Use Office at the Putnam Town Hall, 126 Church Street, Putnam, CT, during regular Town Hall business hours. A hard copy of the proposed Zoning Regulations and a reduced-size Zoning Map may be viewed at the Putnam Public Library, 225 Kennedy Drive, Putnam, CT.  Electronic copies of the Regulations and Map may be viewed on the Town of Putnam Website:
Patricia Hedenberg,
May 14, 2014
Legal Notice
Town of Pomfret
Planning and Zoning Commission
The Pomfret Planning & Zoning Commission will hold the following Public Hearing on Wednesday, May 28, 2014 starting at 7:00 PM at the Pomfret Town Hall, 5 Haven Road, Pomfret Center, Connecticut:
1. An application from Ellsworth Chase, Jr., 32 Covell Road, special permit for an addition to an existing barn
Town of Pomfret
Planning & Zoning Commission
Dated this 30th day of April 2014
Lynn L. Krajewski, 
May 14, 2014
May 21, 2014
Legal Notice
West Putnam Tax District
The Electors of the West Putnam District and those citizens qualified to vote in said District meetings, are hereby notified and warned that the Annual Meeting of said District will be held on Wednesday, May 21, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Room of the Town Hall Municipal Building, 126 Church Street, Putnam, Connecticut, for the following purposes:
1. Treasurer’s Report
2. To adopt a budget for the coming fiscal year.
3. To elect officers and directors for the coming fiscal year.
4. To do any other business proper to come before said meeting.
Kelly A. Newth, 
West Putnam District
Peter G. Newth, 
West Putnam District
May 14, 2014
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