Post pg 7 8-7-14

Above: Recognizing Senior Vice Commander Ron Coderre for his many years of service as a member of Post 13. Right: Pat Steinbrick was honored for her dedication to bringing Americanism to local youth. Photos by Sarah L. Hamby.
PUTNAM — American Legion Post 13 recently held its first annual induction of officers and awards.
Honored were: Participants in the American Legion Boys State and American Legion Auxiliary Girls State programs: Cole Anderson, Conor Hanlon, Jacob Guertin, and Mikayla Van Dam. In addition more than 15 officers were recognized for continuous membership in the American Legion. Ronald P. Coderre, for example, was thanked for his 30 years of service to the Legion. Coderre works closely with Everett G. Shepard III, State Adjutant, American Legion Department of Connecticut, and many others, to ensure the success of TriTown American Legion Baseball. In addition, former Post Commander and Adjutant Norman “Barney” Seney received the post’s first ever presented Legionnaire of the Year Award for his continued commitment to serving the post, through times both lean and prosperous.
Ten-year member Patricia Steinbrick received not just a Certificate of Achievement from the post, but also a Department Award: the Richard W. Anderson Plaque. The plaque is awarded annually to the Legionnaire in the department who actively supports, promotes, and participates in The Americanism Program as sponsored by the Post.
Installed were: Commander Rick Carnahan, Senior Vice Commander; Ronald P. Coderre, Junior Vice Commander Alan Joslin, Finance Officer David Smutnick, Adjutant; Sarah L. Hamby, Historian Marc Coderre, Chaplain Donald Steinbrick, Service Officer Roger Franklin, Judge Advocate Albert L. Cormier, Sergeant-At-Arms Ronald Desrochers.
American Legion Post 13 was chartered on July 7, 1919.
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