Workplace pg 3 10-2-14

Workplace Workshop
Putnam Bank hosted a Small Business Forum Sept. 23 focusing on state resources available to employers to help bring the unemployed back into their workforce. Linda Riquier (pictured), Business Service Rep from the American Job Center - Eastern CT, explained the subsidized training and employment program (Step Up) currently available through the Connecticut Department of Labor.  Carla Demers from the Northeast CT Economic Alliance reviewed the application process for small business financing.  Delpha Very, the Putnam Economic Development director, presented an overview of the new Tech Park concept that the town is pursuing with regional participation.  The 20 business people in attendance also heard from Bill Covey, owner of Connecticut Casket Company.  In his testimonial, he described the success he experienced using the Step Up program and growing his start-up business with loans and grants from the Connecticut Department of Economic Development.  Permanent job creation is the key to accessing many of these program, and as Linda Riquier quipped, “You don’t want to leave anything on the table.  Explore the possibilities.” 
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