Aerial pg 1 12-24-14

One of the many handmade straw ornaments on the tree at Matulaitis. More photos on page 6. Linda Lemmon photo.
By Linda Lemmon
Town Crier Editor
PUTNAM --- Wispy snowflakes floated down onto the residents' tree at Matulaitis.  In the time it takes to walk up to the artificial tree, you'd expect those snowflakes to melt.
But they don't. Rather the Christmas tree is adorned with delicate straw ornaments, made by hand by Lithuanian nuns long ago.
Wendy Bither, activity director, said she's been working at Matulaitis for about 20 years and the ornaments were there when she arrived. She suspects the ornaments have been on the Christmas tree for the 40 years the facility has stood in Putnam.
Bither said the tree is erected two weeks before Christmas and remains for two weeks after Christmas.
Two types of straw ornaments grace the tree: those that are glued and those which are strung together.
She said because the delicate straw might be crimped by scissors, the nuns used a clever three-sided box with slits in it that hold the straw firmly while razors are used to cut the designs.
When the season is done, she said, the ornaments are carefully put away in large boxes with dowels inside. The ornaments are hung on the dowels for the off-season.
Bither said the residents do the decorating. Sister Bernadette is the Superior, Bither said.
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